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  • Click on a first or last name to view the RPEQ profile.
  • All RPEQ numbers are five digits - the zero must be included for RPEQ numbers 00001 to 09999.
  • RPEQ numbers are 'retired' when the RPEQ is not registered. If you cannot find a RPEQ by their number it means they are not registered.
  • Non-practising RPEQs can be found in the directory but they are not permitted to carry out or be responsible for the carrying out of any professional engineering services in Queensland.
  • Former RPEQs do not appear in this directory but their records are available by contacting BPEQ to view the Register.


The website of the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (the Board) is provided for the purpose of providing information only and copyright protects the material on this site.
The Board asserts the right to be recognised as author of this material and the right to have its material remain unaltered. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under copyright legislation, no part may be reproduced or reused for any commercial purposes whatsoever.


The 'RPEQ Directory' allows users to search for RPEQ's currently registered with BPEQ. It does not show details of formerly registered engineers.

Additionally, the results of any search undertaken using the 'RPEQ Directory' do not contain all the information held in 'the Register' in accordance with section 102 of the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (PE Act). The information displayed may not contain details of cautions, reprimands or disciplinary orders that have been removed in accordance with the Board's Publishing Information on the Website Policy.

Members of the public can review the Register at the Board's office free of charge during ordinary office hours in accordance with s103 of the PE Act.